Hiking trails in Vejle River Valley and Fjord
The best way to experience Vejle River Valley and Fjord is to put on your hiking boots and venture out on the many marked trails in the area.
Photo:Vejle Kommune
Most of the area is accessible and with a detailed map you can plan your own trip, if you don’t want to follow the marked trails. Most of the trails are open all year, but they can be very soggy in the rainy season, so bring your rubber boots.
Whether your planning a hiking trip or just want to take a stroll, der are lots of options in the Vejle River Valley-area.
The Grejsdal-trail is 16 kilometers long and runs from Vejle to Jelling. Here you can experience some of the most spectacular nature, Denmark has to offer.
Photo:Vejle Kommune
Tidsrejsen Fra Tørskind Grusgrav kan du på en 1,5 km lang vandrerute tage på tidsrejse i Vejle Ådal. Du hører her om landskabet skabt af isen og senere omdannet af mennesket fra stenalderen helt op til nutiden. Ruten går over stejle skrænter, så både balance og kondi udfordres på denne tur.
Photo:Mads Fjeldsø Christensen
Another popular hiking trail is Bindeballestien, which runs from Vejle to Bindeballe and on to Billund. From Vejle to Bindeballe the trail follows the old Vandel railway line, where nature and culture go hand in hand. Experience the Alp-like landscape at Vork Bakker, Harald Bluetooths old bridge at Ravning, Runkebjerg with it’s fantastic views and Bindeballe Railway Station, which has been converted into a museum with emphasis on the railways history.
Hiking leaflets lead the way
There are various leaflets available describing the many attractions in Vejle River Valley and Fjord. Get the pdf-versions by clicking below.
Hiking trails in and around Vejle River Valley and Jelling
Brandbjerg Sønderskov
Engelsholm Skov og Gødding Skov
Sporet ved Egtvedpigens grav
Fårup Sø, Jelling Skov og Rugballe Mose
Hejlskov Sø
Kongens Kær, Knabberup og Haraldskær
Stenager Mølle
Tørskind, Vejle og Egtved Ådale
Vingsted, Vork Bakker og Ravning
Øster Starup
Kyst til Kyst stien
Hiking trails in the city of Vejle
Grønne gåture i Vejle by
Hiking trails in forests and plantations
Gauerslund og Gårslev skove
Hastrup Plantage
Kløverstierne i Søndermarken
Munkebjerg Skov, Holtser Hage og Brejning Havn
Sporet øst for Givskud
Hiking trails by lakes, inlets and wetlands
Børkop Vandmølle
Vejle Fjord - Tirsbæk, Ulbækhus og Daugårdstrand
Kongens Kær, Knabberup og Haraldskær
Omme Å
Rands Fjord
Frederikshåb Plantage